


  • 전시
  • 상설전시
  • 패션관

Daegu Textile Museum with citizens!
Welcomes your visit.

  • The textile industry served as a driving force leading the development from a traditional home-based industry to a modern industrial society. In Korea, the textile industry played a central role during the period of economic growth, and Daegu is a ‘textile city’ that grew based on textiles in its center. This is one of the reasons for establishing the Daegu Textile Museum.

    Textiles are also a future industry that is applied across science, medicine, and high-tech industries due to the development of fiber materials such as carbon fiber and nanofiber. Daegu Textile Museum is a comprehensive museum encompassing textiles and fashion, which is rare in the world and displaying the industry, history and characteristics of textiles, including new materials, in one space.
  • We want to become a bridge to a new leap forward for the Korean textile and fashion industry. We will serve as a bridge to enable communication between companies, the textile sector, and citizens about the advancement of textiles and fashion toward the cutting edge.

    We will become a comfortable cultural resting place for citizens with relatable exhibitions and programs. We hope you enjoy reminiscing and discovering new things at the Textile Museum.

    Thank you


09:00 ~ 18:00

* 17:00 입장마감
  • 관람료무료(일부 전시 유료)
  • 휴관일매주 월요일, 1월 1일, 설날·추석 당일